

Simulation analysis of the thermal environment of the sound-insulating enclosure for a commercial air conditioning condenser

  • 摘要: 上海市某餐饮店铺楼顶的空调室外机冷凝器在运行过程中会产生较高分贝噪声,超出噪声标准值18.54 dB。设计了一种能够满足该冷凝器降噪需求的复合隔声罩,考虑到加装此隔声罩之后,可能会导致冷凝器的散热不良,从而使得空调的使用效果变差。通过计算流体力学(CFD)仿真对冷凝器加装隔声罩前后的热环境进行模拟分析,得出添加隔声罩后冷凝器进风口、出风口温度分别升高了2.90、2.99 ℃,其热环境变化对设备影响在安全可控范围内的结论,从热环境的角度验证了该隔声罩的安全性与可行性。


    Abstract: The outdoor condenser of air conditioning unit on the roof of a restaurant in Shanghai generates high decibel noise during operation, exceeding the standard noise value of 18.54 dB. To address this, a composite sound-insulating enclosure was designed to meet the noise reduction requirements of the condenser. Given the fact that the installation of this enclosure may lead to poor heat dissipation of the condenser, potentially affecting the performance of the air conditioner, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was conducted to analyze the thermal environment before and after the installation of the sound-insulating enclosure. The simulation results showed that the temperature of the inlet and outlet of the condenser increased by 2.90 ℃ and 2.99 ℃, respectively, after the sound-insulating enclosure was added. It was concluded that the influence of the change of thermal environment on the equipment was within the safe and controllable range, thereby verifying the safety and feasibility of the sound-insulating enclosure from the perspective of the thermal environment.


