

Optimization of the production process and heat exchange network of1,4-butanediol

  • 摘要: 针对混合C5原料联产顺酐和苯酐的1,4-丁二醇生产工艺存在能耗高的缺陷,通过对生产工艺的模拟,并采用夹点技术,分析和优化了1,4-丁二醇生产工艺的能耗,并进一步对换热网络进行集成和优化,达到了节能效果。研究结果表明:节省热公用工程10239.3 kW和冷公用工程21683.2 kW,换热单元数由原来44个减少为32个,降低了设备成本。


    Abstract: For the defect of high energy consumption in the process of 1,4-butanediol co-producing maleic anhydride and phthalic anhydride using mixed C5 as raw materials, the energy consumption of the 1,4-butanediol production process was analyzed and optimized through the simulation and the pinch point technology, and the heat exchange network was further integrated and optimized to achieve energy-saving effects. The research results showed that 10239.3 kW of heat utility and 21683.2 kW of cold utility were saved, and equipment costs were decreased because the number of heat exchange units was reduced from 44 to 32.


