

Structural design of drawing device of porcelain painting based on STM32

  • 摘要: 针对瓷板画主要靠人工绘制完成,绘制难度大,效率低、成本高等问题,提出适用于瓷板画绘制的绘图装置设计。运用SolidWorks三维软件将适用于瓷板画绘制的绘图装置完成三维建模,并将该结构中的支撑梁简化为简支梁模型。然后将该模型与绘笔模型导入有限元软件ANSYS中,分析其工作时的形变量,以提出最佳设计参数。在提高瓷板画制作效率方面具有一定的应用前景,有望为瓷板画文化的推广和乡村振兴提供助力。


    Abstract: The design for a drawing device tailored to the creation of porcelain painting is presented in this article to address issues such as labor-intensive manual drawing, high difficulty, low efficiency, and elevated costs. SolidWorks 3D software was employed to create a 3D model of the drawing device suitable for porcelain painting. The structural support beams in this design were simplified to a simple support beam model. This model, along with the drawing pen model, was imported into the finite element software ANSYS to analyze the deformation characteristics during operation and propose optimal design parameters. This research shows promise in enhancing the efficiency of porcelain painting production and holds the potential to contribute to the promotion of porcelain painting culture and rural revitalization.


