
冷坩埚法生长5 t批量钇稳定立方氧化锆晶体

Mass production of 5 tons yttria-stabilized zirconia crystals by skull melting method

  • 摘要: 钇稳定立方氧化锆(YSZ)晶体是重要的人工宝石材料,具有折射率高、色散强、硬度高、理化性能稳定等优点。由于YSZ熔点高达2715 ℃,通常采用冷坩埚法生长。单炉产量是其技术先进性的主要指标,也是降低生产成本的主要途径。为了提高产率,研制出超大功率冷坩埚生长炉,其功率达到160 kW,直径达到1.5 m,成功生长出单炉5 t YSZ宝石晶体,这是迄今为止国内外报道的最高单炉产率。


    Abstract: Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) crystals are the most common synthetic gemstone with advantages of high refractivity, strong dispersion, high hardness, and stable physical and chemical properties. Due to their ultrahigh melting point of 2 715 ºC, YSZ crystals were grown by the skull melting method without crucible. The yield of a single furnace is the primary indicator of its technological advancement and a major pathway for reducing production costs. To enhance productivity, the skull melting furnace with high power of 160 kW and larger diameter of 1.5 m was developed and mass production of 5 t YSZ crystals was realized, which is the largest yield of YSZ crystals in a single batch.


